One time I got a hamster from my friends.
I have a few first kiss stories?
I (sort of) nursed a cat back to health.
Nothing extravagant..
I used to throw tantrums. Like all the time. I had a temper my parents were afraid of. If someone made me mad I could intentionally pass out on the spot. I would hold my breath and shake and shake until I just went limp. My lips would turn blue and everything. It freaked my mom out at first, she thought I had a heart problem. We went to the doctor and he told her I was perfectly healthy, just a little bit evil and manipulative. My mom eventually got used to it and would ignore me whenever I fainted. It only bothered her when I would do it in public because of the looks we got. I was a hard toddler.
Anyways I'm not sure what my final story that I share will be. This was just a great memory to dwell on for the moment.
That reminded me of when I was younger and we were in the same kindergarten class, your dad brought in some kind of pink susbstance that blew up with mentos in coke or something like that. Anyway when it exploded it shot all over the class and got on my green pants. It was all good though cause it was one of the most memorable days of elementary school