Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy Post

I hope you wake up tomorrow excited. 
Because that on it's own is something to be happy about. 

And if you look in the mirror just to find a bad hair day, I hope you remember the magic of hats. 
The magic of hats and how good you look in that hat. 
How good you look in that hat is something to be happy about.

I hope your best days are long 
And your worst days are short

I hope you become a regular at your favorite restaurant, and that one waitress always greets you with a smile and your usual order. Get excited about good food and kind smiles because they definitely qualify as things to be happy about. 

I hope your best love is your last love because good love is always something to be happy about. 

I hope that everyday never overwhelms you but rather excites you. 

And next time you wake up with hair that just won't manage, please don't forget how good you look in that hat. 
I hope you remember that even bad hair days can turn into something to be happy about.


  1. thanks for sending me good vibes! its so true. there are millions of things to be happy about! this was lovely.

  2. I really like this a lot, makes me more grateful and I hope you have everything you said in this post too :)

  3. So sick of reading about hats tbh. But this, was ACTUALLY different. And so so so so so cute. Seriously, thank you for this "happy post" it is absolutely beautiful.
